Giving Back to the Community

Fire Extinguisher Servicing
These are on place when needed in nursing homes, care homes and assisted living. Our staff is trained and equipped for these circumstances.

Fire Alarm Installers and Nurse Call For Nursing Homes
It’s incredibly important that these alarm systems are in place where people to be aware of the latest technologies designed to keep them safe from fires and other emergency hazards. This is used in private, residential or public sectors for workers to call for assistance when needed. Nurses will be able to press a button or pull a cord to alert and trigger the alarm to go off. These are needed in nursing homes, care homes and assisted living. These are easy and flexible to use so we can respond to any issues that may happen. We have experience installing and maintaining Nurse Call systems.

Emergency Lighting System
We can test and maintain current Emergency Lighting installations for commercial properties, services offices, retail outlets and communal areas in residential blocks/flats, as well as the design of Emergency Lighting Systems for various applications.
Our typical emergency lighting maintenance service involves the following:
An annual 3-hour drain down test.
A routine periodic emergency lighting report.
A 1-hour Emergency Lighting test at 6 monthly intervals.
Staff training for monthly Emergency Lighting flick test, which is required to ensure batteries and light fittings are operational.
To issue, set up and train staff members in how to use an Emergency Lighting logbook.
Emergency Lighting is essential in the event of a fire or power failure, and enables customers, staff and visitors to find emergency escape routes and exits should the need arise.
Integrated Fire Systems Ltd Services